Aug 13, 2022Liked by Bad Manners

And your wallet.....

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We use a meal plan, but want to get back into cooking from "fresh" ingredients and get over my fear of using a recipe and eating what I made.

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Isn't it a bit extreme to slam a whole industry for one particular incident related to one specific product, and we don't even know what went wrong after 10 days of FDA investigation? It's not like they have a major bad practice in their process, like every other restaurant you get take-out from. How is this different from other products being pulled from the shelves or E. Coli spread by national taco jounts (repeatedly)?

The real question is, how the fuck can anyone afford them? I've seen my grocery bill grow by 50% this year, more and more families have to rely on church box donations for food, and our president denies anything is going on, because midterms. Wait until next year, when the fertilizer prices will go through the roof. Maybe that's the shitshow you should've linked to.

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