thanks a LOT for this debunking of the "paid crop destruction" bullshit. as always, you dive right into the heart of the matter and show exactly why it's nonsense (and p.s. i love "virality" — i'm stealing it). the internet makes it all too easy for trash like that to spread and put out tentacles, and wayyyyytoo many nitwits swallow it whole and never think to fact-check what they see. bad manner shoots, it scores!

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Thank you! Yes, shit-posting needs to be exposed for what it is. Why folks want to believe their freedoms are being taken away and want to stay mad about absolutely nothin' is beyond me.

There is a beautiful world out there for everyone who wants to recognize it and care for it.

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So I live in an area that is politically “purple.” Here’s what I’ve noticed and it’s interesting. The grocery stores we usually shop at are well stocked. They seem to be generally apolitical. There is one grocery store that is managed by a person with pretty strong views that fall in line with the general views of conspiracy theorists of today. I’ll just leave it at that and let the reader decide what demographic I mean. But that store is frequented by those that share the store manager’s views (and conspiracy theories) and the shelves there are bordering on bare. I’m sure we all remember how picked over shelves were at the start of Covid - this store still looks like that and there is no reason for it. Every other store around us is fully stocked. When reasonable people point this out on our local Facebook group, the conspiracy theorists don’t believe us. Here’s what blows me away - they don’t have to believe us. They only have to drive a mile up the road to the other store. A few miles past that to yet another, 10 miles in the other direction to yet another 2, get out of their car, go in and take a look. They could easily see that we’re not full of shit. But nope. They keep spewing this same nonsense about farmers being told to destroy crops and nothing anyone says to the contrary is believed. According to them, we’re sheep. It just absolutely blows my mind. I don’t get it.

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it's so wild the lengths people will go to stay in the bubble that reinforces their world view, opinions, and values. we could all do better and drive that extra 10 miles to see shit for ourselves. this is an excellent reminder.

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