Unfortunately, you're looking at only one side of the coin here. This bill is going to now drive automated/kiosk ordering (and eventually overall more automated) systems to get away from relying on expensive labor thus actually doing away with jobs people need. Corporations will also now limit the number of employees they hire and have to pay due to the drastically increased hourly wage, and it will cause the fast food industry to increase their food pricing by over 30% to make up for the increased labor costs. This will make fast food unaffordable for many low income families who buy less expensive fast food to feed their families thus reducing the need for labor in these fast food establishments even further. Lastly, some of these corporations will just flat our leave CA as many other businesses have done to go to states that have more realistic, business (and employee) friendly policies. Overall, I believe CA will see job losses in the fast food industry thus it will become a detriment to those who need jobs versus helping them.

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Hey folks,

Generally I agree with you, but this time you surprised me! As people making and spotlighting food that doesn’t suck, I would think you would also feel that the exploitive, soul sucking fast food corporations should be avoided at all costs. I know they provide jobs, but....No question, we would all eat better food. Just sayin’!🤷🏿‍♀️

Keep the superb food and ideas coming!


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I thank you for posting this point of view. I hear all the time, “nobody wants to work anymore” and now I have a better idea of why.. if I got treated like garbage, I wouldn’t want to go to work either.

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So, Bad Manners posted a response to one of my comments yet I am blocked me from being able to respond to it. Hmmmmmm.....Cancelling, eh? That's not civil debate which should be had on important issues. That's controlling a narrative and pushing a one sided perspective. Bad on you Bad Manners.

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