Food to fly with? Can’t wait! I’m too old to be shoplifting $10 cashews from Hudson News.

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Lemon juice and nooch! That sounds brilliant. Trying this tonight and I feel like it could become a staple. Thanks!!

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It's a chain, but Wegamama's is my obsession from the UK. @suelynneinthecity

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ah yes, cut right to the basics! my gardens are right now assaulting me with so many wonderful flavor-intensive tomatoes that i really don't want to eat much else. the pasta is just an excuse to eat more tomatoes still warm from the sunshine, along with handful of fresh basil and some little minced baby garlic chives that set out on their own around the main parent plant. early september is my reward for all the back-breaking work since last may!

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ohhhh baby garlic chives for the wiiiiin

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